The little things? The little moments? They aren't little.

Monday, April 2, 2012


It's been a long winter, again. So, when I see these first signs of spring I always have high hopes that we'll be warm again.  It's a cruel joke mother nature plays.  She gets us wearing flip flops and enjoying the smells of spring, and then she hits us with it.  I can almost always guarantee a snow storm after the first of the blossoms appear, which in turn almost always guarantees no fruit on our fruit trees, again.  We probably won't be enjoying apricots this year, but at least I'll enjoy my pictures. 

Something I can't guarantee, and is most definitely welcomed, is surprise visits from family members we haven't seen in a few years.  This is Tommy with my mom, his grandma.  He's the son of my older, and only brother.  He looks just like him.  I could put up a picture for comparison, but I haven't seen my brother in awhile either. 

It's been about 7-8 years since we've seen Tommy, and he's all grown up.  He'll be graduating high school in May.  This picture is with my mom and a small, very small handful of her grand kids.

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