The little things? The little moments? They aren't little.

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Can't Forget the Friends

Turning the big 08 Miki had a birthday party with her friends this year (her friend list included her sisters and Skylor).  She and her friends are crafty little souls, and that is what she wanted to do at her party, craft things.  They all seemed to have fun making lip gloss, stringing a candy necklace, and designing their own little paper purses.

crafty girls making their purses

Sam, Halli, Miki, and Skylor

Livy, Aysia, Miki, Halli, and Elli
 Her friends know her very well.  She loves candy!

Maggie made us laugh when she hopped on Sam's lap and sat with her in the chair.

Instead of cake we had cookie bowls with ice cream inside.

Maggie, Miki, Aysia, Maycee, Halli, Elli, Amanda, and Livy

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