The little things? The little moments? They aren't little.

Saturday, August 25, 2012


When our kittens were born there was a runt.  Maybe it's because she's the runt of our family, but Mackayla seriously bonded with this kitty.  She gave him the fitting name of "Tiny".  When she's holding him, if you take him away, he will meow until you give him back to Miki.  She carried him around like he was a little baby, which explains why he sleeps like he does.
Tiny asleep on Miki's lap
 Tiny and Manny (Tiny's brother) aren't allowed  in the house, but somehow they keep making it in.  Tiny likes to crawl into the smallest spaces.  It's a good thing his tail was hanging out enough that we could see him.  Jill thought he was pretty funny.
He's strange I tell ya.

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