Volleyball is in full swing for the younger girls. Jill decided to give it a try this year, and so far loves it. They had their first tournament this weekend and didn't do too bad. Here the Pink Cheetahs (name inspired by their socks) get ready with a cheer before their game.
Even with an early Saturday wake up time of 6:30 Jill is all smiles. With all the excitement of her first tournament she had a hard time falling asleep the night before.
After a long day of playing seven different teams the Pink Cheetahs won third place.
Not too bad for the first tourney.
It was fun to watch as the day progressed, because so did Jill's ability. At the start of the day she couldn't get any of her serves over. This series of pictures made me smile. The end picture is her realizing that the ball didn't make it over the net. I wish I would've captured when she finally made her first serve over. Not only did she get a few in a row, but she scored two points for her team. From that point on she made all of her serves.
Go Jill! Volleyball is a great sport. 3rd place is awesome!