The little things? The little moments? They aren't little.

Monday, January 14, 2013

One Small Gift

Happy Birthday to Kay, at 35 years-old and holding ;)  After opening his birthday gifts we were off to Richfield to watch one of our greatest gifts perform her solo dance in competition.
Sam has been blessed with a great talent for dancing.  It was such a joy to be able to watch her perform.

And when it was all finished, it was so fun to see her rewarded for all of her hard work; she took fourth place in the 2A division of schools.  After the competition we took Sam and another drill member who had competed to Wal Mart for some food.  While we were there we walked by some flowers.  Miki pulled at my sleeve and as I bent over I learned that she wanted to buy some flowers for Sam and her friend because they had danced so well.  She tried her best to hide the flowers so she could surprise the girls.  Both girls were surprised with such a thoughtful gift.
Over the Christmas holiday, we were lucky enough to draw out for tickets to go see the Mormon Tabernacle Choir and Orchestra at Temple Square Christmas concert again.  The only down side is they only give out 4 tickets.  So, we took Sam and my dad.  If we're lucky enough to draw out this year, the other two will get a turn.  Back to the concert... this was my favorite out of the years we've been able to go.  The performer was Alfie Boe and the narrator was Tom Brokaw.  The singing, dancing, and performing was all fantastic.  When it came time for Tom Brokaw to tell the story I was completely blown away.  He told the story of the World War  II candy bomber.  As he told this familiar story "snow" was falling from the ceiling and pretty soon little parachutes with a piece of candy began to fall.  Before I knew it the Candy Bomber himself was standing on stage.  It was such an awesome moment, and listening to him talk was so enjoyable.  The take home message from the evening was one of small gifts.  It doesn't matter how small and simple the gift is, you never know how much it may impact the person on the receiving end.  Only I don't think it ends there.  Thousands of people were affected by the candy bombers small gift of a stick of gum.  Something simple to him, but very meaningful to those kids.  This simple act of sharing was contagious and a whole nation got involved. 
Over this past weekend I've thought a lot about this story.  The gifts the girls gave their dad were simple small things; but each girl picked them out and it came from their heart.  Samantha has the gift of dancing, a talent that our Heavenly Father has blessed her with.  She touches my heart every time I watch her.  Miki has a gift of making other's feel loved and special with the little gifts she gives.  Jill has a gift of lifting other's when they are sad or have had a bad day.  Everyone has a "gift" they can give to those around them, and we never know how far reaching it may be. 

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